New Zealand film Mysterious Ways tells the story of Peter, a vicar who wants a church wedding with his boyfriend Jason, who is Samoan. For Anglicans, this is not allowed, and homosexuality itself is still very taboo in Samoan culture.
When news of the marriage makes headlines a media storm erupts, and God is forced to step in!
It’s a side of the rainbow community not often explored on the screen despite the impact of religion on millions of LGBTQ+ people around the world.
Director Paul Oremland (1000 Men, Like it Is) has been at the forefront of exploring the LGTBQ+ experience in film & television for many years.
He comments, “Most religions still see being gay as sinful. This does huge harm to millions of people in terms of self-esteem, family rejection, and legitimising hatred. A love story where God is on our side is a powerful statement that is needed now more than ever.”
Aeroplane Music really enjoyed being music supervisors on this project, licensing some wonderful songs from Aotearoa.
Mysterious Ways premiers on Wednesday the 16th August at Rialto Cinema Newmarket.