Not Even is a new six part comedy drama series created by Dana Leaming (Ngā Puhi, Te Rarawa), and focuses on a bunch of Māori and Pasifika friends living in the city, navigating modern life.
Ma, Heps, Pua, Liz, and Taaps are your average group of twenty-something Māori and Pasifika living in Wellington. Together, this group of friends crash through the city, grappling first with their cultural identities and then with each other - tackling issues such as love, career, mental health and more.
Aeroplane Music was thrilled to help with music supervision on this fantastic production, licensing songs from talented local artists such as Church & AP, 1814, Aaradhna, Scribe, EJ, Alya Jade, Coco Solid, 188, Nova T, as well as international acts including Yung Humma, Nite Owl, and Ran Raiten to name a few.
Check out the trailer here and watch the series on NEON.